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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page

"Frequently asked questions (FAQ) or Questions and Answers (Q&A), are listed questions and answers, all supposed to be commonly asked in some context, and pertaining to a particular topic. The format is commonly used on email mailing lists and other online forums, where certain common questions tend to recur."  Wikipedia definition.

A data center is a facility with many computers that store and process large amounts of information. Data centers keep all of  products and services up and running around the clock and around the world. Whenever you access Gmail, edit your documents, post an image to Google+ or search for information on, you're using one of their data centers and have the power of a supercomputer at your fingertips.

A data center centralizes an organization's IT operations and equipment, as well as where it stores, manages, and disseminates its data. Data centers house a network's most critical systems and are vital to the continuity of daily operations.

Data center infrastructure refers to the core physical or hardware-based resources and components – including all IT infrastructure devices, equipment and technologies – that comprise a data center.

It  may include:
>>Networking equipment, such as routers or switches
>>Security, such as firewall or biometric security system
>>Storage, such as storage area network (SAN) or backup/tape storage
>>Data center management software/applications
It can also include non-computing resources, such as:

>>Power and cooling devices, such as air conditioners or generators
>>Physical server racks/chassis
>>Internet backbone

 Data Centers (DCs) are increasing in size and complexity, DC managers and IT professionals require the right configurations and equipment to meet their specific environment needs, as well as remote management solutions that enable them to quickly and effectively access servers, network devices, and other mission-critical equipment.

These products are not only vital to run the system efficiently, but can also contribute to an overall strategy that saves your company money. With a vendor independent approach, our experts at Kemaza can review your specific environment and help you find the best infrastructure solutions for your data center, server room, computer closet, or server rack.

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You simply have to fill in this form and an expert will schedule an appointment at a mutually convinient time to you for a site visit and consultation.

We are vendor and technology independent. This makes it possible in the provision of  a complete unbiased guidance on developing your data center solution. This then allows us to assess each technology and evaluate and recommend the best solution for your application.

We work closely with Industry’s leading manufacturers to provide our customers with the best solutions for their Data Center Management needs. Our vendor and technology agnostic approach leverages our expertise in monitoring, airflow analysis, power, measurement, cooling, and best-of-breed efficiency technologies to help data center managers maximize uptime and improve energy efficiency.


Allocating and Configuring
Storage for Virtual Machines

Misconfigured shared or direct storage can lead to inconsistent system
performance in server-virtualized and virtual desktop infrastructure environments.
Learn how to correctly set up and configure storage to maximize the efficiency
and performance of your virtual data center...

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  • Advantages and disadvantages of various RAID levels. Today’s consumers have become used to having access to every service online instantly and expect it to function without interruption no matter what.  Continue reading..
  • 4 considerations for outsourcing your IT . This infographic offers a clear perspective on four factors to consider when outsourcing your IT. Download now to meet your business demands with a broker model that will reduce shadow IT through self-serve provisioning, and 3 more. Read more on the resource..
  • Is Your Enterprise Ready  for Hybrid Cloud?  Decrease application time to market and empower agile application  development by focusing on the business need.. Continue reading..
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  • Hyper-converged in 2018: Everything you need to know. The adoption of hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI) is  continuing apace in datacentres across the world, as  enterprises look to reap the benefits of adopting softwaredefined infrastructure setups. Continue reading...
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  • A complete guide to Buying Enterprise Accounting Software.  It is hard to overstate the importance of selecting the right enterprise accounting software. Read the whole resource here...
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  • Buyer’s Guide to  HCM Software. HCM applications are forecasted to generate just over $15  billion in revenues globally this year, according to IDC. It’s a massive industry, and you need to go into the buying  process prepared. With so many available options, it’s easy to  sink money into the wrong HCM software. Most HR and human capital management (HCM) software comes as a suite, although many vendors now offer a more pick-and-choose approach. This gives companies a greater range of choice and also the ability to avoid paying for unnecessary features. Read the whole resource here...
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Here you'll find manuals for the most commonly encountered issues that data centers' face.

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